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 Care Campaign For The Vulnerable

Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is learning of the pressures faced by conscientious led Care Providers striving to offer a caring and safe environment to both service users and staff. Safety monitoring is proving to be a invaluable care assist tool - bringing a more open and transparent culture into care homes as well as saving valuable resources within the care home sector and the NHS


''Families are telling CCFTV they are nervous about consenting to allow loved ones in care homes the COVID vaccine...''

6th December 2020



We are receiving a huge volume of emotive messages from family members worried about consenting to allow loved ones the Covid vaccination. Families are disputing just how safe the vaccination is and say are deliberating whether or not to allow vulnerable loved ones in care homes to have it. Care Campaign for the Vulnerable understands these are families opinions. We would like to make clear we also receive messages from families eager to consent for the COVID vaccination.https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccinations-and-care-homes-programme-launch

Ref https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/coronavirus-vaccine/

"I've just received a letter from my mum's care home asking for consent for the covid vaccine. I'm afraid I don't agree with her having it, as I feel it has been rushed. I've done quite a lot of reading up, including the article in the BMJ from September, where a vaccinologist has stated no governing body should pass the vaccine fit for use due to lack of testing. I intend to write back today, refusing consent. I'm really hoping it doesn't change anything for my mum. I have spoken to the manager about my concerns, and she seemed very understanding. Even saying that several members of staff have come to her refusing the vaccine. She said there's been no real guidance from the government. There has been no visiting since the end of August, not even window visits. Though they are building a visiting pod outside the home at the moment. It would be interesting to know how many other families refuse consent. I'm not anti-vaccine. I just feel there are too many unanswered questions." L.S.

'' I am a nurse and I totally agree with what you are doing. My mam is in a care home also and has recently recovered from COVID but even if she hadn't there is no way I would be agreeing to her having this vaccine. I won't be having it either. I get my flu jab which some people feel is hypocritical but I do my research and 100% won't be having this vaccine. Each to their own but anyone capable of researching anything, should do their research on this... its scary. K.R.

'' I received the same letter yesterday and I really don't like having to make this decision for my mum. I know life has to get back to normal but it is me that has to live with this if she had any side effects and the fact that the pharmaceutical company won't be held liable. '' A.N.

''My mum is definitely not having it and I've made my feelings clear. I know some staff won't either. We have a right to refuse it and I know she wouldn't want it anyway, even if she had the capacity to give consent. B.P.

If you have a loved one in a care home and unsure about whether to consent for the COVID vaccine or if you are eager to allow a vaccine to be given, please get in touch - email us in confidence at ccftv.cares@gmail.com

Our Partners:
Signature Care Homes


CCFTV Partners with Signature Care Homes - supporting independent safety monitoring systems to protect the vulnerable elderly looked after in long-term care facilities.

We are sponsored by

Winncare is delighted to sponsor the Care Campaign For The Vulnerable and fully support their commitment to safeguarding the vulnerable elderly. Our organisations have shared values based on supporting care home residents to live safe and fulfilled lives.


The Eagle lifting cushion, combined with the ISTUMBLE health assessment app, empowers care home workers to make good decisions around lifting residents that fall. Winncare’s work to safeguard residents’ lives aligns with CCFTV’s ambitions to protect the vulnerable elderly looked after in long term care facilities.

We are sponsored by
Slater and Gordon

Slater and Gordon

Click to the logo above to visit the Slater and Gordon Lawyers Website

Slater and Gordon Partnership

We are sponsored by


CCFTV proud to be sponsored by Borderless - Struggling to hire? Borderless technology platform makes international hiring fast, transparent and affordable.

Question Time - Safety Monitoring

Question Time - Public Inquiry

Question Time - Evictions in Care

Evicition in Care

CCFTV influencing Safety monitoring in communal areas in care homes


Our Director's statement to why Care Campaign for the Vulnerable was set up.

Should there be a Covid-19 public inquiry?

CCFTV and Slater and Gordon UK lead the call for a public inquiry on the handling of care homes during the Covid pandemic.



Report from Marbrook Centre in Cambridge on the benefits to safety monitoring in communal areas for residents and staff.


Dominic Grieve Westminster Speech 2018 on Care Campaign For The Vulnerable Safety Monitoring In Care Homes

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Care Campaign Government Proposal

"The evidence from Providers who have installed CCTV seems to me to merit careful attention and to be quite persuasive"

Dominic Grieve MP

Just some of the Care Providers who support our CCTV Safety Monitoring in Care Homes

Shedfield Lodge Logo

Download their 'Safety Monitoring In Communal Areas in Care Homes' document

Safe Place Scheme

Chiltern and South Bucks District Council SAFE PLACE SCHEME has called on Care Campaign for the Vulnerable to add our support to the initiative for those who are vulnerable in the community to get help if out and about and feeling scared , lost or confused.

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Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is learning of the pressures faced by conscientious led Care Providers striving to offer a caring and safe environment to both service users and staff. Safety monitoring is proving to be a invaluable care assist tool - bringing a more open and transparent culture into care homes as well as saving valuable resources within the care home sector and the NHS

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