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 Care Campaign For The Vulnerable

Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is learning of the pressures faced by conscientious led Care Providers striving to offer a caring and safe environment to both service users and staff. Safety monitoring is proving to be a invaluable care assist tool - bringing a more open and transparent culture into care homes as well as saving valuable resources within the care home sector and the NHS


CCFTV collaborates with Signature Senior Lifestyle Group to pilot cameras

12th August 2023



CCFTV has called for safety monitoring for a very long time. During those years, we have had to bite our lip and resist the ‘we told you so’ claim as many more vulnerable people were needlessly harmed or abused in care homes. We have been consistent in making a case for overt camera systems to provide real transparency and act as a deterrent for abusers. Only a handful of care providers have responded positively over this timeframe and installed CCTV which means most older people in care homes remain at greater risk of harm than necessary.

As part of our call for systems use, we have endeavoured to visit homes with cameras, meet with systems providers and assess all of the safety monitoring options available for Care Providers to consider. It is clear to us that any safety system deployed should be independent in operation and that the monitoring aspect should be undertaken by suitably qualified professionals who fully understand what constitutes abuse. Those systems should have legal opinion support, with an accompanying bible of documents to meet the following requirements; written consent, privacy impact assessment, data protection, operational policies and randomised audit services, all with a professional duty of candour for monitors to report any viewed event that could be determined as criminal. The goal of such systems are to protect vulnerable people, but also to share a common goal with care providers and eradicate abusers from the care sector.

Providers who have installed cameras have confirmed that systems are best introduced when all parties have been informed. So monitoring companies should be willing to provide system demonstrations for residents, staff, relatives, service commissioners and any other stakeholders prior to system use. It is important that staff see evidence-based examples of how monitoring has improved the resident care experience and at times, protected staff from vexatious complaints. Staff will know that colleagues who are abusers can be targeted by such systems and removed, ensuring that the rest of the staff cohort is not tainted by the actions of one person.

It's important that providers don’t just attempt to introduce self-managed systems that do not have professional support services included as often in those scenarios, retrospective reviewing becomes the only service. That means a resident may be already harmed before staff internally review days and days of recorded footage to assess an event that may have happened sometime before reporting. A risk also exists that footage managed internally may not be disclosed to other management team members if the implications are too great for a particular home.

Professional monitoring companies can install full systems and provide an affordable menu of services that can be purchased when required. Having an independent company with the ability to log in and conduct a remote virtual audit at any time of day/night is of immense value to a care home business wanting to understand what is happening in their homes at any given point in time.

CCFTV will continue to urge care providers to commit to system adoption as well as call for regulators and local authorities to make such systems mandatory as soon as possible.

Our Partners:
Signature Care Homes


CCFTV Partners with Signature Care Homes - supporting independent safety monitoring systems to protect the vulnerable elderly looked after in long-term care facilities.

We are sponsored by

Winncare is delighted to sponsor the Care Campaign For The Vulnerable and fully support their commitment to safeguarding the vulnerable elderly. Our organisations have shared values based on supporting care home residents to live safe and fulfilled lives.


The Eagle lifting cushion, combined with the ISTUMBLE health assessment app, empowers care home workers to make good decisions around lifting residents that fall. Winncare’s work to safeguard residents’ lives aligns with CCFTV’s ambitions to protect the vulnerable elderly looked after in long term care facilities.

We are sponsored by
Slater and Gordon

Slater and Gordon

Click to the logo above to visit the Slater and Gordon Lawyers Website

Slater and Gordon Partnership

We are sponsored by


CCFTV proud to be sponsored by Borderless - Struggling to hire? Borderless technology platform makes international hiring fast, transparent and affordable.

Question Time - Safety Monitoring

Question Time - Public Inquiry

Question Time - Evictions in Care

Evicition in Care

CCFTV influencing Safety monitoring in communal areas in care homes


Our Director's statement to why Care Campaign for the Vulnerable was set up.

Should there be a Covid-19 public inquiry?

CCFTV and Slater and Gordon UK lead the call for a public inquiry on the handling of care homes during the Covid pandemic.



Report from Marbrook Centre in Cambridge on the benefits to safety monitoring in communal areas for residents and staff.


Dominic Grieve Westminster Speech 2018 on Care Campaign For The Vulnerable Safety Monitoring In Care Homes

Download our

Care Campaign Government Proposal

"The evidence from Providers who have installed CCTV seems to me to merit careful attention and to be quite persuasive"

Dominic Grieve MP

Just some of the Care Providers who support our CCTV Safety Monitoring in Care Homes

Shedfield Lodge Logo

Download their 'Safety Monitoring In Communal Areas in Care Homes' document

Safe Place Scheme

Chiltern and South Bucks District Council SAFE PLACE SCHEME has called on Care Campaign for the Vulnerable to add our support to the initiative for those who are vulnerable in the community to get help if out and about and feeling scared , lost or confused.

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Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is learning of the pressures faced by conscientious led Care Providers striving to offer a caring and safe environment to both service users and staff. Safety monitoring is proving to be a invaluable care assist tool - bringing a more open and transparent culture into care homes as well as saving valuable resources within the care home sector and the NHS

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