Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is learning of the pressures faced by conscientious led Care Providers striving to offer a caring and safe environment to both service users and staff. Safety monitoring is proving to be a invaluable care assist tool - bringing a more open and transparent culture into care homes as well as saving valuable resources within the care home sector and the NHS
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is a fast growing initiative helping to raise awareness and find solutions to the preventable neglect happening to our vulnerable elderly in care. Care Campaign for the Vulnerable founded over five years ago champions safety monitoring in public areas of dementia/care homes to be made mandatory while working hard to promote our dedicated carers and conscience led care providers.
Your business support and sponsorship will help us continue our important work to offer a free service to help and support more families and family carers effected by inadequate care through CCAS Care Campaign Advocacy Service. Let your business be part of this truly worthwhile cause, in the knowledge TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
If you would like to know how you can help Care Campaign for the Vulnerable and how sponsoring us will help your business, please contact us on
Business sponsorship helping Care Campaign for the Vulnerable raise funds to find a cure for dementia
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable organises regular networking meetings with families, family carers and care industry professionals
Taking on hair-raising challenges to bring awareness to Care Campaign for the Vulnerable and the important work we do
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable lobbying the Government to bring in mandatory safety monitoring to all UK dementia care/nursing homes
We love being invited into care homes and champion those who practice transparency in care.
"The evidence from Providers who have installed CCTV seems to me to merit careful attention and to be quite persuasive"
Just some of the Care Providers who support our CCTV Safety Monitoring in Care Homes
Download their 'Safety Monitoring In Communal Areas in Care Homes' document
Chiltern and South Bucks District Council SAFE PLACE SCHEME has called on Care Campaign for the Vulnerable to add our support to the initiative for those who are vulnerable in the community to get help if out and about and feeling scared , lost or confused.
Read more
Care Campaign for the Vulnerable is learning of the pressures faced by conscientious led Care Providers striving to offer a caring and safe environment to both service users and staff. Safety monitoring is proving to be a invaluable care assist tool - bringing a more open and transparent culture into care homes as well as saving valuable resources within the care home sector and the NHS